

Children who go to Yattara are life-sharing partners in the mixed community.All the children enjoy meals together,in harmony with nature.Rediscover the relaxed everyday life we used to have with our children, which we miss!




◇ 乳幼児預かり保育 (1 歳児~未就学児 定員 11 名)
◇ 幼児教育
◇ フィールド開放(プレーパーク)
◇ 自然農法菜園(パーマカルチャー)

w/s Children

◇ Childcare & Infant care 
(1-5 years – With a maximum of 18 in the class)
◇ Preschool Education
◇ Outdoor Playground
◇ Permanent agriculture


◇ コワーキングスペース連携
◇ 学び・対話の場の提供

w/s Adults

◇ Cooperate with Co-Working Space
◇ Providing an Interactive Learning Space


◇ 子育て支援
◇ まちづくり・移住定住支援

w/s Local Community

◇ Childcare support
◇ Community Development / Migration &Settlement Support


◇ インクルーシブコミュニティデザイン
(こども・高齢者・障がい者・LGBTQ・ インターナショナル、一般、その他)
◇ こども、ライフスタイル、コミュニティ にまつわる情報発信

w/s Global Community

◇ Inclusive Community
(Children, Elderly, Persons with disabilities, LGBTQ, Generals, others)
◇ Share Our Information about parenting, life style, and Local Community
◇ Across Sector Collaboration